Program For Communal Land Development (PCLD)

The Program for Communal Land Development (PCLD) is operating under the Directorate of Land Reform & Resettlement in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. The MAWLR receives financial and technical support through the Namibian-German Co-operation and the European Commission to implement its land reform program focusing on communal areas. KFW concluded a Financing Agreement with GRN in 2006 and established a basket fund “Support to Land Reform and Infrastructure Development in Communal Areas” in support of MAWLR’s endeavors to develop communal areas. By doing so, MAWLR is addressing some of the core developmental challenges of Namibia – dealing with the colonial legacy of skewed access to land; tenure insecurity in the areas of the poorer populace; developing a basis and an established process for communities to take ownership of their own development; and reducing the lack of, and the lag in the provision of core infrastructure to better manage and utilise land as a productive resource.

Mandated to Promote, Develop, Manage and utilize Agriculture, Water and Land Resources sustainably

  • MAWLR Head Office, Government Office Park, Luther Street
  • Private Bag 13184, Windhoek, Namibia
  • +264-61-208 7111
  • Lands Reform and Resettlement, Robert Mugabe Avenue No.55
  • Private Bag 13343, Windhoek, Namibia
  • +264-61-296 5371